Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper Tablespoons to Ounces

Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper Tablespoon to Ounce Converter

Type a value in the Tablespoons field to convert it to Ounces:


Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper Tablespoon to Ounce Conversion Table

1 0.309
2 0.618
3 0.927
4 1.236
5 1.545
6 1.854
7 2.163
8 2.472
9 2.781
10 3.090
11 3.399
12 3.708
13 4.017
14 4.326
15 4.635
16 4.944
17 5.253
18 5.562
19 5.871
20 6.180

Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper Tablespoons to Ounces Conversion Formula

Tablespoons =  Ounces * 0.309

For example, if you want to convert 4 tablespoons of Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper to ounces using the formula above.
4 tbsp = (4 × 0.309) oz = 1.236 oz

Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are used to develop the character of a recipe as they flavor other foods and ingredients.
They also distinguish key ethnic and national dishes from each other.

For instance,
  • Italian recipes use parsley, basil, rosemary, and oregano
  • Scandinavian recipes use dill weed
  • French recipes use tarragon and chive
As important as they sound, herbs and spices can be troublesome in measurements and conversions.

Some of the recipes measure the herbs and spices in tablespoons. This web page will help you decide and estimate herbs and spices in approximate quantities.

For example,
If a recipe mentions 1 tablespoon of Lightly Salted Lemon Pepper, then you would use 0.309 ounces.

Mass Measurements

Here we use the standard American measures of weight (mass): ounces and pounds. 

A gram, by the way, is a unit of measure in another system of measurement used around the world, known as the metric system. Most people in the United States, including cooks and chefs, measure weight in ounces and pounds, rather than grams and kilograms.

These measurements are typically abbreviated as follows:
  • Ounce = oz.
  • Pound = lb.

Volume Measurements

In the United States, we measure volumes using containers or vessels that hold a certain number of fluid ounces. Smaller amounts are measured in teaspoons and tablespoons. These volume measuring containers or vessels are called the cup, pint, quart, and gallon. 

  • 3 teaspoons make up 1 tablespoon.
  • 2 tablespoons make up 1 fluid ounce.
  • 1 cup contains 8 fluid ounces.
  • 1 pint contains 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).
  • 1 quart contains 2 pints (32 fluid ounces).
  • 1 gallon contains 4 quarts (128 fluid ounces).

These measurements are typically abbreviated as follows:

  • Teaspoons = tsp. (always lowercase)
  • Tablespoon = tbsp. or Tbs.
  • Cup = c., or cup
  • Pint = pt.
  • Quart = qt.
  • Gallon = gal.
  • Fluid ounce = fl. oz.
