Teaspoon to ml?

Teaspoon(US) to Milliliter Converter

Type a value in the Teaspoons(US) field to convert the value to Milliliters:


What is a teaspoon?

A teaspoon is a volume measuring unit. It's a small spoon that can use to eat ice cream or add sugar to a tea.

What is the abbreviation of a teaspoon?

A teaspoon can be abbreviated as "t" or "tsp"

1 teaspoon to ml?

1 tsp (US) = 4.93 ml

What are tad, dash, smidgen, pinch & drop?

Tad = 1/4 teaspoon 
Dash = 1/8 teaspoon 
Pinch = 1/16 teaspoon 
Smidgen = 1/32 teaspoon 
Drop = 1/64 teaspoon

Teaspoons (tsp US) to Milliliters (ml) Conversions

Teaspoons(tsp US) Milliliters(ml)
Tad 1/4 tsp 1.232 ml
Dash 1/8 tsp 0.616 ml
Pinch 1/16 tsp 0.308 ml
Smidgen 1/32 tsp 0.154 ml
Drop 1/64 tsp 0.077 ml

Teaspoon vs tablespoon

1 tablespoon (US) = 14.79 ml

1 teaspoon (US) = 4.93 ml

1 tablespoon = (14.79/4.93) teaspoons

1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons

Therefore, 3 teaspoons are equal to 1 tablespoon

Does 2 tsp equal 5 ml?

No, 2 tsp (US) = 9.86 ml

What is 5 ml equal to in teaspoons?

5 ml = 1.01 tsp (US)

How can I measure 5 ml at home?

As 1 teaspoon nearly equals 5 ml you can measure 5 ml using a teaspoon. But it is not recommended to use teaspoons to measure liquid medicines. It can lead to overdosing or underdosing.

What is 20 ml in teaspoons and tablespoons?

20 ml = 4.06 teaspoon (US)

20 ml = 1.35 tablespoon (US)

Is 1 ml half a teaspoon?

No, 1 ml = 0.2 tsp (US)

What is 2/3 of a teaspoon equals to ml?

2/3 tsp (US )= 3.29 ml

1 teaspoon to ml yeast?

1 tsp (US) of active dry yeast = 4.93 ml

1 teaspoon to ml honey?

1 tsp (US) of honey = 4.93 ml

1 teaspoon to ml sugar?

1 tsp (US) of sugar = 4.93 ml

Teaspoons(tsp US) to Milliliters(ml) Conversion Table

Teaspoons(tsp US) Milliliters(ml)
0 tsp 0 ml
1 tsp 4.929 ml
2 tsp 9.858 ml
3 tsp 14.787 ml
4 tsp 19.716 ml
5 tsp 24.645 ml
6 tsp 29.574 ml
7 tsp 34.502 ml
8 tsp 39.431 ml
9 tsp 44.360 ml
10 tsp 49.289 ml